Torture Rack - "Malefic Humiliation" CD

Torture Rack - "Malefic Humiliation" CD


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[HSR473] Torture Rack - "Malefic Humiliation" CD reissue out now from Headsplit Records!

Torture Rack’s second album ‘Malefic Humiliation’ captures the savagery for which their live shows have become the stuff of legend; subtlety bludgeoned, beaten and hacked to nothing but a red mess of leftovers. Torture Rack carves out their mark in the festering corpse of the Northwest on ‘Malefic Humiliation’ bashing through 9 tracks in just under 30 minutes. “Mace Face”, “Corpse Revenge” and “Destined For Dogmeat” ain’t for the faint!!! Available once more on CD and features alternate layout making it a prime cut of meat for collectors and fanatics alike!!
